Kickstart your React JS
Developer Career
We present you an opportunity to learn and level up your knowledge of React JS . Come and join us on this journey to master the most popular JavaScript library for front-end development.
We are passionate about teaching and we believe in the teaching style of of breaking down complex concepts into simple comprehensive units. We are working professionals. If you like to learn more about our career journey, please read our profile cards.
Pradeep K.S
Senior Frontend Developer
- 10+ years of web-dev experience.
- Proficient in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Remarkable teaching skills.
- Web tech Youtuber
Jinson Abraham
Senior Frontend Developer
- 13+ years of web-dev experience.
- Experienced in HTML,CSS,JS and ReactJS, NextJS.
- Loves to teach.
- Web tech Youtuber.
React JS is the most popular JavaScript front-end development library out there now. Developers around the world use ReactJS for building data-driven interfaces, interactive components, and single-page or complex web applications. Learning this amazing library greatly improves your career prospects and opens up a whole lot of opportunities for you.
We designed this course to start from the very basics of ReactJS and progress through building an interactive application. We shall cover all major concepts in React through this learning/development process. By the end of the course, you will be confident enough to build a React JS application from the ground up.
Introduction to ReactJS
- What is ReactJS?
- Why do we use ReactJS, what problem does it solve?
- DOM and Virtual DOM
- React development environment ( NodeJS, Create React App, Vscode)
- Project files and folder structure
- Package.json and React Scripts
React Component architecture & JSX
- Types of components ( Classical, Functional )
- Component naming practices
- Importing components
- Component hierarchy
- JSX intro
- How JSX works behind the scene ( Babel, React.createElement method )
- JSX syntax
- Using JS expressions in JSX
Styling Components
- Inline CSS
- Regular CSS
- CSS Module
- CSS Libraries
React Props
- What are props
- Why props are used
- Types of prop values
- What is prop drilling
- Destructuring props
- Default props
- Props spread syntax
- Children and Key prop
Events, Conditional rendering, and Lists
- Event naming
- Using event handler functions
- Event Handler functions with parameters
- preventDefault method
- Conditional rendering of elements
React State
- What is state in ReactJS
- State / Props difference
- About useState hook
- Sharing state between components, Lifting the state up
- Handling forms in React components
- Controlled components
Component Lifecycle
- Lifecycle of component ( Mounting, Updating, Unmounting)
- About useEffect hook
- How to use the useEffect hook
Forms in React
- Types of forms
- Form elements
- Form events
React Router
- Introduction to react-router
- Routes, Route, Link, router hooks
More React hooks and Custom hooks
- useRef
- useMemo
- useCallback
- Building custom hooks
HTTP methods, Global State management
- Fetching data
- Posting data
- React context
- useContext hook
- useReducer hook
This is a Project Based course.
We will build one main project and several mini projects during the progress of this course.
Few testimonials from our last batch students.
Students secured Placements